Our services: EDI operations

Maintenance Oriented on Data Quality

Container ship towed by tiny tugboat

An EDI system requires ongoing attention. Errors or deficiencies in the data exchanged between the IT systems of commercial partners can lead to delays, increased administrative workload, or result in financial costs and even lost profits.


Why Does an EDI System Require Supervision and Coordination?

An Electronic Data Interchange system is complex, both technically and organizationally:

  • A lot of people are involved, from various departments/companies.
  • Many IT systems are involved, administered by multiple, independent parties.
  • Everything changes constantly.

Such an environment requires dedicated supervision.


Examples of Issues Requiring Attention

Here are some real-life examples of issues that occur regularly:

  • Your supplier didn’t receive purchase orders because nobody noticed a technical error.
  • Some documents were received with incorrect data and were silently rejected on the way.
  • Even worse: some documents were received with incorrect data and integrated into your ERP system without any warning.
  • Your partner made a change in their IT system which had an unforeseen impact on your system.
  • Your partner sometimes uses a manual procedure, which generates errors on your side.


The Team to Make Your EDI System Reliable

Maintaining separate teams for technical and business issues in the system is inefficient. Our specialists possess both technical expertise and business experience, enabling them to swiftly identify the root problem and manage it until a solution is implemented.

Our team centralizes all activities related to data exchange. We act:

  • Reactively: we respond to issues reported by users or commercial partners.
  • Proactively: we monitor all systems and constantly check the data flow to identify and solve issues before users even notice them.


Our Method

We manage the entire chain of systems involved in EDI communication. Our daily tasks:

  • Monitor and analyze technical issues, such as network/system errors or incorrect document formats.
  • Detect common business data errors using in-house software to avoid the integration of faulty data in your ERP system or, when possible, automatically correct the data.
  • Coordinate communication between everyone involved in EDI exchanges: business teams, IT, and external service providers.
  • Monitor the progress of incident resolution by all parties (internal and external).
  • Manage your partners to apply workaround or permanent solutions.

To ensure the results, we create periodic reports showing the actual data quality, which we share with our customers.


Make the Most of the Data Exchanged with Your Partners

Consider us your EDI team, seamlessly integrated into your company. We focus on the same objectives and work closely with your business and IT teams, to automate your back-office processes based on the data.

Lets talk about how we can help.


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